Affiliate marketing


affiliate offers
Affiliate Marketing

After studying affiliate marketing for some time now, we’ve learned some insights into promotional strategies that work sales funnel builders. We’ve delved into Facebook ads, Youtube, Facebook Groups, Quora, Pinterest, Youtube Ads, Google Ads, MLM’s, Solo Ads, etc. And, here is what we’ve learned over the years in these affiliate marketing promotions: 

Affiliate success relies heavily on your determination, approach, and the strategy you choose.

We found the famous quote by Calvin Coolidge to be accurate; “nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent”– Calvin Coolidge.

In this article, we focus on three Misconceptions of Affiliate Marketing and how promoting the marketing funnel SaaS is the easiest way to earn monthly recurring commissions. These wrong notions have held many people back from pursuing the rewarding path of making legitimate money and a living online.

[Also read about Affiliate marketing strategy through pay per click]

Our First Misconception is that Affiliate Marketing is Dead in 2022.

 There were apprehension and lingering doubts among affiliates because of the possible impact of the iOS update 14.5 on marketing campaigns.

However, the reality is not so disastrous for affiliate marketers if you strategize. For example, there are tweaks to employ to Facebook ads to optimize your campaigns for higher conversions. If you’re promoting random products on popular affiliate networks like Clickbank, JVZoo, or Amazon Associates, then affiliate marketing may not be lively in your case. Likely, it would somehow play dead for you.

Here’s why this is happening right now. 

Most people will do the methods people show them on YouTube expecting to make money, but after some months and a few thousand dollars down the drain, they see a few clicks coming in but meager if any commissions. When faced with a critical decision as outlined above, the likely question anyone in such a scenario might ask is: Should I modify my funnel, campaign strategy, niche, or offers? 

Unfortunately, many Keep trying without significant strategy changes and hope they crack the code or move onto another business model, and claim affiliate marketing doesn’t work anymore.

We know this because this is often the experience we had when we first started online. At that time, we decided to keep trying until we got affiliate marketing to work because it seemed to be the foremost reliable business model out there. Just consider, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry, you don’t need to make your product, and there’s a massive amount of products you’ll like better to promote. 

We finally saw the need to stop doing the overly competitive methods of those ClickBank gurus.

So we needed to find a solid product in a profitable niche that isn’t already too competitive.

The second misconception is that you need to promote various products to succeed.

The prevailing notion is that to be successful, the promotion of different products is necessary. While some successful affiliates started it this way, many would have a different online marketing approach should they begin afresh today. 

Who said you couldn’t be a super affiliate promoting only one product? Of course, that must be a carefully chosen solid product.

As a beginner, remember that determination, approach, and the strategy you choose are critical to your success in online marketing.

To have early success as a beginner, all you need is the focus, determination, approach, and strategy.

The most effective way for an earlier breakthrough as a beginner

Below are proven tips to guide you in charting the rewarding venture of affiliate marketing in 2021.

1) Focus on The Promotion of One Good Offer

We have seen case studies and stories of affiliates who promote numerous products in the same niche but are not making enough money from their campaigns to earn a living online. Even though they may claim they have established several income streams, they are not successful with online marketing. Why? Partly because they cannot meet the expectations for compelling and relevant content for the offers they promote. They don’t get enough organic traffic because of the “thin content” syndrome.

That’s because maintaining focus is critical for your online breakthrough. 

It’s critical to turning visitors and viewers into customers while building your reputation, winning over your skeptics, and thriving in the tense marketing competition. It’s a known fact that those who remain focused achieve success even faster than other affiliates with several products in their campaigns. 

It’s no longer the big beating the small, but the fast beating the slow.” — Eric Pearson.

Just imagine even the stress of managing the payouts from numerous platforms and organizing and inputting them into your taxes!

While it works for some, other affiliates have also lost their credibility by promoting varied offersThat’s why we recommend promoting a singular solid product or service as it’s easier to gain authority, trust and reputation. Promote one core product as a beginner affiliate marketer.

We’ve talked to a successful marketer who has had a breakthrough with this simple strategy. He has been promoting one great product throughout his career. He is mainly promoting the Buiderall Platform and has used this technique to establish himself as the Top affiliate and has earned over $300,000 in commissions.

Performance relies on your determination, approach, and the affiliate strategy you choose to follow.

2) Focus on one high converting funnel

Keeping it simple is best for funnel builders, online marketing campaigns, and list-building. Setting up an effective funnel builder need not be a complicated process. All you need is a high-quality sales funnel builder with drag and drop features for a simple setup. Then you have email sequences and follow-ups where you give them your best offers while building relationships with your list.

There have been 7 figure companies that still use a simple opt-in page that goes to a thank you page.

You only have 2 jobs after the funnel, and an email autoresponder is created:

 One: Keep testing and try different selling strategies while studying the buying behavior of your leads

 Two: Always look for new actionable ways to maximize your effort at getting new leads into your funnel

You can make legitimate money with the Builderall and other sales funnel builders.

3) Focus on one solid platform for traffic

When we first started affiliate marketing, at a point, we thought we needed to be on 9 different platforms at once. Unless you have a team of not less than 20 full-time content writers, you may want to focus on a single platform for your organic and paid traffic. As a beginner, we recommend focusing on one free traffic source for organic clicks and one ads traffic source for paid clicks. 

For example, if you’re making YouTube videos, it might be a good idea to do YouTube ads too; and include Facebook ads if you’ve already established yourself on Facebook. This way, you distinguish yourself from the rest of the competition and just dominate the platform.

We hope staying focus on your product selection will put you on a clear path to your affiliate success.

[Also read about affiliate marketing explained in simple terms]

The third misconception is that a massive following is a must to see success.

It’s all too common to hear that you need a massive following or list to make a decent living online. We have recently worked with some successful affiliate marketers, and over 80% of them didn’t have a huge following or any audience. Meanwhile, they are promoting valuable offers that people are already searching to buy. Today, there are highly converting products to be sold with the right strategies. Especially for a beginner, you may see success earlier if you focus on a single good offer to promote.

For example, two years ago, when one of my friends made a piece of content on a review of “Builderall vs. ClickFunnels,” he didn’t own a list and had no social following. However, he still made over $250,000 in recurring commissions by promoting his review page with paid ads such as Bing Ads and Google Ads.

With Paid Ads, there is no need for a huge following to make sales?

Paid advertising converts better than social traffic. So having simple content show up for what people are already searching for will always convert higher than anything you put on Instagram or Facebook. So if you want to avoid being glued to social media all day and skip this whole ‘grow a following online’ trend like some of us are doing, you have to be strategic in your content marketing approach.

 And you want something more predictable & less competitive, then promoting a subscription software like Builderall might be your best option as a replacement for ClickFunnels.

The task now is to research into high converting products for your campaigns. For instance, digital marketing software and all-in-one funnel builders have the potential to pay you monthly recurring commissions. The prominent platforms with excellent digital marketing funnel offers are ClickFunnels, Kartra, Groovefunnels, and Builderall. Among them all, currently, Builderall is the most promising in terms of value for money. Because of the launch of Builderall 5.0, it has been upgraded, and the entire SaaS platform has even more tools, from sales funnel creation to website builders. The main product of focus here is Builderall, as it has the potential for long-term earnings. For a product like Builderall, you don’t need any following or list to get the desired results. If you would like to earn money with the Builderall platform, click here and read this personal invitation to working privately with me on our affiliate team.


Affiliate Marketing is not dead, and cit continues to be the number one legitimate way to make money online. You only have to make sure you have a winning strategy for your campaigns. We believe that for a beginner, directing all your promotional efforts on a single high-converting offer is the best way to see an earlier success. Currently, the best digital offers to consider are the sought after all-in-one sales funnel builders. Take action to building an affiliate marketing business that makes a profit in monthly recurring commissions! Make legitimate money with the Builderall sales funnel builders.

By Pacadem

Pacadem is an online marketer with years of experience in Affiliate, CPA, native ads, and Email marketing. I am the Content Strategist and Blog Editor at and a couple of other websites. I have passionate about the promotion of digital offers and leads creation. The several years of exploring the possibilities of making a living online have turned me into a passionate blogger. I am here to freely share valuable insight into the world of online marketing through blogging and paid advertisement. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Is there anyway I can assist you? Then don't hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn.

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